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Planning Board Minutes 11/30/2006 Working Meeting

(603) 798-4350

NOVEMBER 30, 2006

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Joanna McIntosh, Fred Ruoff, Richard DeBold, Tom Jameson, Stan Brehm, Richard Arell, Chris Weir and Secretary Andrea Deachman

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss some of the issues presented to the Board and inform the Board on discussions with State of New Hampshire, Department of Transportation, District 5 (DOT).

The first item for discussion was Mark Blasko, Site Review – Multi Use - Family Entertainment Center, Mini-Golf, Batting Cages and snack bar, Map 2, Lot 81, Dover and Bailey Roads. The members of the Board that met with DOT were, Brad Towle, Richard DeBold and Stan Brehm.

DOT will require a Traffic Impact Study for any proposed improvements to Route 4. The Board will discuss further with DOT to see exactly what the Traffic Impact Study would entail if the documents that Mr. Blasko has presented to the Board tonight are not sufficient. Discussion of a by-pass shoulder, street light or a flashing yellow light to warn of the intersection may be other suggested possibilities.  Richard DeBold will drop off the Blasko document to DOT and the Board will wait to hear from them.

The next item for discussion was Jay Baas Site Review – In Law Apartment Map 8, Lot 4, Depot Road. After much discussion the Board was in agreement that Mr. Baas needed to have his surveyor and soil scientist provide the Board with an accurate plan of the property as it will be presented for public hearing. Several items are issues now but may not be once the property is proven not to be wetlands and setbacks are redefined. When Mr. Baas presents the Board with a new plan they can better judge what items would need a variance or special exception from the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Baas will contact the secretary when ready to proceed.

The next item for discussion was, Ann Fornier, Subdivision, Map 2, Lot 24, Horse Corner Road. Chairman Towle has written a letter in response to Mrs. Fornier’s request to subdivide and create a substandard lot. After discussion Chairman Towle will rewrite the letter and forward it on to the Secretary. The Board is concerned with creating a substandard lot and several issues were discussed about the property reverting back to the original lot when the tenant has pass on.

The Board has requested copies of the definitions from the zoning, there are a few items that need to be reworded and some new ones that need to be added. Andrea will forward.

Several supplies were discussed, another file cabinet use for plans that are unable to be folded and an easel for meetings so all can see the plan being discussed.

The reorganizing of the office is coming along well, but Chairman Towle is requesting an extension in the process due to the amount of old documents that need to be gone thru.

Motion was made to adjourn.

         DeBold/McIntosh                                 (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:50pm.

        Respectfully submitted,

        Bradley Towle